Ανακαλυψτε την Κεντρικη Τοποθεσια της City Car Rental στη Θεσσαλονικη


The central location of City Car Rental in Thessaloniki is one of the main advantages it offers to its customers.

“It is located in the heart of the city, near the HELEXPO International Exhibition Center, and the future ‘PAPAFI’ metro station, specifically at 38 Doirani Street, 54638 Thessaloniki.

This strategic location makes it easy for customers to find the company and access a wide range of car rental services.

One of the major advantages of the central location is the ease of access from anywhere in the city. This allows customers to reach the company’s office conveniently and quickly, regardless of their location. In addition, the close proximity to the HELEXPO International Exhibition Center is particularly convenient for visitors coming to Thessaloniki for exhibitions or business purposes.

Επιπλεον, η κοντινη αποσταση απο το Διεθνες Εκθεσιακο Κεντρο HELEXPO ειναι ιδιαιτερα βολικη για τους επισκεπτες που ερχονται στη Θεσσαλονικη για εκθεσεις η επαγγελματικους λογους.

In addition, “Macedonia” airport acts as the main drop-off and pick-up point for City Car Rental rental cars. This makes it easier for customers coming to Thessaloniki by plane to get immediate access to a vehicle for their movements in the city and the region.

Το Δευτερο γραφειο βρισκεται στην περιοχη του αεροδορμιου και συγκεκριμενα στο 14ο Χλμ Θεσσαλονικης – Μηχανιωνας

Finally, City Car Rental offers options to deliver the vehicle to important points in the city, such as the Central Bus Station, the Port and the Railway Station, offering maximum flexibility to its customers. This helpful approach allows customers to choose the most convenient delivery option, depending on their needs and preferences.

Αυτη η εξυπηρετικη προσεγγιση επιτρεπει στους πελατες να επιλεξουν την πιο βολικη επιλογη παραδοσης, αναλογα με τις αναγκες και τις προτιμησεις τους.

Discover the convenience and flexibility of renting a car in the heart of Thessaloniki with City Car Rental. Central location, easy access, great service.

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